Policies and Procedures


This is the list of policies & procedures for our pre-school. These can be made available via email as a PDF or as a hard copy on request.


Please note that we are in the process of updating a number of policies. Please bear with us as we do this.


Specialist Policies/Procedures


     Covid-19 Risk Assessment for Setting


SECTION A: Child Protection

  1. Children’s Rights and Entitlements
  2. Safeguarding Children and Child Protection
  3. Looked After Children 
  4. The Uncollected Child
  5. The Missing Child
  6. The Use of Mobile Telephones, Smart Watches and Cameras
  7. Electronic Social Networking
  8. The Prevent Policy : British Values in EY.
  9. The FGM Policy
  10. Supervision of Children on Outings and Visits

SECTION B : Suitable People, Staff and Personnel


11. Employment

12. Student Placements

13. Induction of Employees and Volunteers

14. No-Smoking Policy

15. Staff Clothing and Staff Medication

16. First Aid

17. The Role of the Key Person

18. Staffing


SECTION C: Health and Well-Being


19. Administering Medicines

20. Managing Children who are Sick, Infectious, or with Allergies

21. Recording and Reporting Accidents (and Incidents)

22. Nappy Changing

23. Food and Drink

24. Food Hygiene

25. Dental Health and Hygiene 

26. Looking After Children in Hot Weather


SECTION D: Managing Behaviour


27. Promoting Positive Behaviour

28. Physical Intervention Policy


SECTION E: Premises and Equipment


29. Health and Safety General Standards

30. Maintaining Children’s Safety and Security on the Premises

31. Visitor Admittance Policy

32. Lock Down Policy

33. Risk Assessments

34. Fire Safety and Emergency Evacuation

35. Animals in the setting


SECTION F: Families, Equal Opportunities and Inclusivity


36. Valuing Diversity and Promoting Equality

37. Supporting Children with Special Needs

38. Admissions

39. Parental Involvement

40. Communicating Disciplinary Matters with Parents


SECTION G: Information and Record Keeping


(A GDPR information sheet is also included)

41. Children’s Records

42. Provider Records

43. Transfer of Records

44. Confidentiality

45. Working in Partnerships

46. Making a Complaint

47. The Use of E-Journals and Record Keeping

We are located at:


Beenham Pre-School
The Community Room
Berkshire RG7 5NN

Contact us today!

If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment, please contact us:


Paula Read (Manager)

In Session: 07704 663393
Out of Hours: 07793 116937


Please note that the in session phone could be answered by any staff member and should not be used for confidential discussions. 


Or use our contact form on our 'Contact Us' Page.

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© Beenham Pre-School 2022